NEW in Mar 2025
Colombia Canca El Paraiso (コロンビア・カウカ・エル・パライソ)
COE受賞歴もある、Colombiaの有名農園El Paraisoから、ユニークなプロセスで作られたコーヒーが届きました。
El Paraiso農園は、Colombia南西部のCauca県に位置しています。農園主のDiego Samuel Bermudez氏は、Anaerobic Fermentation(嫌気性発酵)を中心に、独自の発酵方法や乾燥方法の開発に力を注いでおり、独創的なフレーバーを生み出す職人です。
さらに今回のロットでは、Aspergillus Orizae(麹菌)を使用した特別な発酵プロセスが採用されています。麹菌は、まず乾燥させたコーヒーの果肉と外皮の上で4日間かけて培養され、その後コーヒーチェリーに加えられます。そこからさらに4日間の発酵を経て、発酵由来の華やかなアロマをしっかりと定着させます。
We are excited to introduce a coffee crafted through a unique process from El Paraiso, a renowned farm in Colombia with a history of Cup of Excellence awards.
Located in the Cauca department of southwestern Colombia, El Paraiso is led by Diego Samuel Bermudez, an innovator who focuses on developing unique fermentation and drying techniques centered around Anaerobic Fermentation. His methods result in original flavors that make his coffees stand out.
The coffee variety delivered this time is Maragogipe, a mutation of the Typica variety known for its unusually large beans. Typically, larger beans require more nutrients, which can lead to a flatter flavor. However, this batch of Maragogipe has been nourished sufficiently to bring out its rich flavors fully.
Furthermore, this lot employs a special fermentation process using Aspergillus Orizae, a type of koji mold. Initially, the koji mold is cultivated over four days on the dried pulp and husk of the coffee, then added to the coffee cherries. This is followed by an additional four days of fermentation, ensuring the coffee's vibrant aromatics are well-embedded.
This process accentuates the distinctive rich flavors of the Maragogipe, resulting in a coffee with a fruity sweetness reminiscent of Peach and a bright, spicy aroma similar to Sansho.
Take this opportunity to enjoy this innovative coffee, which leverages Japan's koji in its new fermentation process.
Variety: Maragogipe
Altitude: 1,960m
Processing: Koji Fermentation
Tasting Notes: Gin, Grapefruit, Sansho, Peach, Complex