Las Flores農園は、ColombiaのHuila県Acevedo地区に位置し、Jhoan Vergara氏が家族と共に運営する農園です。温暖な気候と肥沃な土壌に恵まれ、特にPink BourbonやGeisha、Javaなどの品種に焦点を当てた革新的な取り組みで知られています。Jhoan氏は地元のコーヒーアカデミーで培った知識を活かし、新しい品種や精製方法の研究を積極的に行い、地域のスペシャルティコーヒーの品質向上に大きく貢献しています。
Las Flores Farm, located in the Acevedo region of Huila, Colombia, is managed by Jhoan Vergara and his family. Blessed with a warm climate and fertile soil, the farm focuses on innovative cultivation of varieties such as Pink Bourbon, Geisha, and Java. Drawing on his expertise from the local coffee academy, Jhoan actively researches new varietals and processing methods, contributing significantly to the advancement of specialty coffee quality in the region.
This particular lot showcases the Java variety, processed using Las Flores' signature fermentation techniques. The meticulous process involves carefully managing the sugar content of the cherries, as well as temperature, humidity, and pH levels during fermentation to enhance the coffee’s complex fruit flavors.
After selection, the cherries undergo thermal shock at 55°C, followed by 60 hours of anaerobic fermentation in sealed tanks, 12 hours of aerobic fermentation, and an additional 12 hours of submerged anaerobic fermentation with water. The beans are then carefully dried using a stainless steel dehumidifier. This intricate process intensifies the distinct aroma of the Java variety.
The resulting coffee features vibrant, juicy notes reminiscent of Pomegranate and Cranberry, complemented by the rich sweetness of Bubble Gum. Experience the passion and dedication of young producer Jhoan Vergara through this exceptional lot. Don’t miss the chance to savor its remarkable flavors.